Reviews of Governance

We conduct Reviews of Governance (virtually via Zoom or in person)

  • Would you like to verify the effectiveness of your governance?
  • Do you intend to follow best practice guidance to review your governance practices and procedures, as set out in the Charity Governance Code (endorsed by the Charity Commission)?
  • Is your school about to undergo a major structural change?
  • Are you a new Chair of Governors wanting to start with confidence?
  • Do you need an external review prior to your next ISI inspection?

Whatever the background, AGBIS provides a tailored review service designed to provide a detailed review of your governance arrangements. AGBIS has conducted numerous reviews, so the procedure is now well honed and brings many benefits for the schools concerned. Whatever the size of your school, it will undoubtedly benefit from a review. Our reviews are planned and conducted in three stages:

Stage 1:  The date and format of the review is agreed and details of the review team are sent to the school.  AGBIS arranges an online self-review survey and asks the Clerk to distribute the link to all governors.  The school then compiles the required paperwork, to be with the review team at least 4 weeks before the date of the review.  At the same time the draft programme, produced by the Clerk, is emailed to the review team for their input.  If the review is to take place on site, the school is asked to arrange hotel accommodation for the team.

Stage 2:  Zoom meetings / on-site interviews - usually over 2 consecutive days by a team of 2 or 3 reviewers who are generally current or former AGBIS Board members or executives. At the end of the meetings the Chair of Governors (and the Head if requested by the Chair) will be given an oral de-brief on the main findings of the review. 

Stage 3:  A written report is then produced.  A draft to confirm factual information will be made available in advance of the report being finalised.  A final report is then produced for the full Governing Body’s consideration; this is confidential between AGBIS and the Governing Body.  However, the latter is free to present a copy to school inspectors if they so wish.  

AGBIS conducted a bespoke and detailed review of governance at Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby. Their orchestrated process culminated in a clear pathway to optimise Board efficiency and fine tune our strategic approach. Their recommendations, many of which are being implemented, will help underpin the workings of the Board and its Committees which are pivotal to the future development and continuing success of Merchant Taylors' School.

Philip J Marshall

Chair of the Board of Governors, Merchant Taylors’ School, Crosby

‘We have just had an AGBIS governance review at Wellingborough and I can highly recommend the exercise to any Chair or Board looking to sharpen up their governance.’

Peter Tyldesley

Wellingborough School

AGBIS undertook a governance review of Plymouth College as an early action in my tenure as Chairman. This has acted as a superb catalyst for change at Board level. It gave the Board strategic options to consider to improve and modernise the way in which the school is governed together with tactical “easy wins”. The reviewers quickly got to the heart of the issues and recommended practical implementable solutions. We have already put in place many of the recommendations - and as a result enhanced the effectiveness and cohesion of the Board and its sub- committees. The review was excellent value for money and has really stimulated change at the top!

David Woodgate

Chairman, Plymouth College

The Bury Grammar School Review of Governance, carried out by AGBIS, was an extremely beneficial experience for the Board of Governors. It was expertly and most professionally carried out by Cheryl and David. They were extremely thorough and, after a two-day period, they concluded with very useful, pragmatic recommendations and a most informative report. As a result of this Review of Governance we will now become much more efficient and informed. The whole process has enabled us to move our governance up to the next level of very good practice.

Bury Grammar School Governors

Bury Grammar School

Thank you for your continued support this year. The Headmaster and I have really enjoyed working with you over these past few months and found both the AGBIS review and Strategy days extremely beneficial, we continue to work through your recommendations and look forward to working with you again next year.

Gabby Covill

Ibstock Place School

For further information and details of our current rates please email [email protected], or call the AGBIS office on 01438 840730.