AGBIS/HMC/VWV | Member briefing on school structures and charity law (FREE webinar)

AGBIS/HMC/VWV | Member briefing on school structures and charity law (FREE webinar)

Speakers: Cheryl Connelly, Director of Training & Membership (Deputy CEO), AGBIS; and Barney Northover, Partner at VWV

We are offering a free member briefing, led by Barney Northover, Partner at VWV, looking at the options available to charities in terms of governance and organisational structures. Barney will cover how an optimised legal structure, and model of governance and management, can future-proof your charity and its school to be resilient to political and economic headwinds.

Bookings for this event are via HMC. Please register for the webinar here: , and contact HMC at [email protected] if you have any queries. The recording will be available afterwards for those who are unable to join us live.