AGBIS/BSA | Good Governance in Boarding box set (three-part webinar series)

AGBIS/BSA | Good Governance in Boarding box set (three-part webinar series)

Speakers: Richard Harman, Chief Executive, AGBIS; Cheryl Connelly, Director of Training & Membership (Deputy CEO), AGBIS; and Dave Walker, Incoming Director, BSA

This three-part box set will address key areas of Governance that relate specifically to boarding schools and provision, unlikely to feature in Governance of other education settings. These include oversight of boarding accommodation, boarding staff recruitment, residential staffing models, considering the National Minimum Standards for Boarding and UKVI sponsor responsibilities that come with welcoming international students.

Each session will provide 45 minutes of information relating to the core areas of consideration (recorded for reference) and then 45 minutes (unrecorded) for group discussion around any particular questions or cases you may have, to promote the sharing of experience and best practice.

Audience: Current boarding governors, governors aspiring to be responsible for boarding or governors on boarding school Boards.

Cost: The three-part box set is available to purchase for £225. Participants will be provided with follow up resources including presentation material and the recorded portion of each session after delivery.

Day 1: The physical provision
Wed 22 Nov 2023  | 14:00 - 15:30

This first part of the series will consider good governance practices relating to the physical provision of boarding: the house, facilities and staff. Boarding schools vary hugely but all provision must meet the standards set out in the National Minimum Standards for Boarding (NMS). This session will highlight areas for Boarding Governors to be particularly aware of in the NMS and share suggestions on engaging with the boarding community and scrutinising the offer, especially the boarding houses themselves. The session will also address boarding staffing and discuss reviewing the success of your staffing model and boarding staff recruitment, both of which are particularly prevalent topics since the pandemic.

Training topics will include:

  • The National Minimum Standards for Boarding (NMS) and having strategic oversight
  • Monitoring the boarding provision – boarding houses
  • Boarding staffing considerations – recruitment, retention, staffing models.

Learning outcomes:

  • Detailed awareness of the importance of having strategic oversight of the NMS, and applying this to your duties
  • Recommendations on how to engage with the boarding community and physical boarding provision
  • Best practice recommendations for monitoring and driving your school practice in boarding staffing.

Day 2: The boarding community
Tue 16 Jan 2024 | 14:00 - 15:30

Part two of this “good governance” box set will focus on your responsibilities relating to the boarding community, looking in particular at the legal and statutory requirements that come from being a UKVI sponsor in order to welcome international students to your school.  In addition to these requirements, the session will also consider how Boarding Governors can drive important areas of progress including equity, diversity and inclusion, and delivering quality care to students that spend more time in boarding than others.

Training topics will include:

  • Your sponsor duties
  • Strategic implementation of EDI
  • Strategic consideration of student induction, weekend activities and access to facilities.

Learning outcomes:

  • Clear understanding of the importance of knowing your sponsor duties and supporting the SLT in following UKVI process throughout admissions
  • Signposting to additional resources and information relating to UKVI
  • Recommended practice relating to the strategic implementation of EDI and fuller care of boarders.

Day 3: Demystifying boarding governance
Thur 22 Feb | 14:00 - 15:30

The final session in this series aims to demystify boarding and boarding governance! Whilst every boarding school is different, the role of the boarding governor is very similar. Our panel of experienced Boarding Governors will discuss what it means in their setting to keep focus on boarding, advocate for boarding within wider school strategic discussions and share updates with the wider group. They will discuss any hurdles to understanding or progress they’ve faced and share tips on how to do the best in the role.

Training topics will include:

  • Boarding Governor role and responsibilities
  • Strategic implementation of stashing effective constructive relationships with boarding staff
  • Effective Governor reporting.

Learning outcomes:

  • Clear understanding of Boarding Governor duties and collective responsibility
  • Best practice examples of establishing effective strategic oversight
  • Being able to answer…how do Governors know?

Participants will be provided with follow up resources including presentation material and the recorded portion of each session after delivery.